2014년 8월 1일 금요일

老すぎた自衛隊員 (Old and terminally ill, Japanese Self Defense Force)

(Old and terminally ill, Japanese Self Defense Force)

ハワイのKaneohe Bayで上陸(じょうりく)訓練中である
西部方面 普通科連隊偵察(ていさつ)チームのサイダー。

日本自衛隊 最精鋭部隊と自慢する兵士のが老けて疲れて見える今(いま)の

Old and terminally ill, and no threat to anyone who is Japanese Self Defense Force troops on a reconnaissance team come ashore at Kaneohe Bay, Hawaii during amphibious landing practice on Tuesday, July 29, 2014.

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