중국이 시진핑(習近平) 지도부 출범 이후
중앙군사위원회 산하에 각종 군사훈련 등을 총괄 지휘하는 합동작전지휘센터를 가동하고 있다고 대만 언론이 보도했다.
타블로이드 신문 왕보는
캐나다 군사전문 잡지 칸와디펜스리뷰 최신호를 인용해
이 '합동작전지휘센터'가 베이징의 인민해방군 총참모부 지하 벙커에 설치돼 있다고 2014년 8월 6일 전했다.
이 센터는 중국 최고 지도부가 직접 군사훈련 등 동향을 점검하고, 관련 명령을 내리는 시설로 알려졌다.
중앙군사위원회 주석을 겸하는 시진핑 국가주석은
일본의 센카쿠(중국명 댜오위다오) 국유화 조치 1주년을 맞아 지난 2013년 9월
인민해방군이 실시한 대규모 군사 훈련인 '사명행동(使命行動) 2013'을 시작으로
지금까지 수차례 이 작전지휘센터를 찾았다.
중국군이 최근 보하이(渤海·발해), 황해(서해) 북부, 저장(浙江)성 앞 동중국해 해역 등에서
동시다발적으로 실시한 대규모 훈련도 이 합동작전지휘센터의 지휘를 받았다고 소개했다.
이 매체는 시진핑 체제가 출범한 지 2년이 못됐지만
장쩌민(江澤民), 후진타오(胡錦濤) 전 주석의 임기를 합한 20년의 세월보다
중국군 내에 많은 개혁 움직임이 일고 있다고 평가했다.
이는 시진핑 주석이 군 조직을 견고하게 장악하고 있다는 의미라고 이 매체는 해석했다.
[연합뉴스] 2014.8.6.
China's joint operations command center 'already operational'
China has established a central joint operations command center that
controls country's army, navy and air force, according to a report in the Kanwa Defense Review,
the military magazine of Canada-based news organization Kanwa Information Center.
Though China's Ministry of National Defense only confirmed plans to set up a joint operations command center at the beginning of the year,
the upcoming September issue of the Kanwa Defense Review claims that such a center is already in operation.
The Central Military Commission Joint Operations Command Center is based at
the Xishan Command Center of the Ministry of State Security and the General Staff Department in Beijing,
the report said, adding that Chinese president, Communist Party chief and military commission chairman Xi Jinping
has already visited the center on multiple occasions.
The 24-hour department is similar to the Pentagon,
with offices that extend 100 meters down into the ground,
and can act as the country's central command center at times of war, the report said.
Xi has personally been overseeing battle operational plans at the command center since Mission Action 2013,
a large-scale amphibious and cross military region exercise that kicked off last September, the report added.
The Ministry of National Defense has not yet confirmed the reports claims, though a ministry spokesperson said on
July 31, 2014 that it was still in the phase of "actively exploring" a joint operations command center.
Andrei Chang, also known as Pinkov, the chief editor of Kanwa Defense Review,
says Xi has demonstrated his love for the military over the last couple of years through solidifying his control and
initiating major reforms that have already exceeded those implemented over the last 20 years by his predecessors Jiang Zemin and Hu Jintao.
Xi has also developed a sub-unit within the PLA Air Force that utilizes a system merging aviation,
aerospace and information technology,
Pinkov said, adding that this unit has already reached the test service stage for the Dongfeng-41 intercontinental ballistic missile,
which has a range capable of covering the United States in its entirety.
[Want ChinaTimes] 2014.8.6.
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